Thursday, January 29, 2015

Leçon de Français 1 (French Lesson 1)

Hello!/ Bonjour!

It's me again, and today I wanted to share some French with you. I'm trying to incorporate as much French culture and language as I can. Why would you be interested in a bi-lingual blog if you don't know any French?

For the first lesson I would like to go over greetings. So as you've seen in order to say "hello" or "good morning" you say "Bonjour". This is a very formal and more traditional way to say hello. If you wanted to be less formal, maybe say "hey", you would say "salut". Make sure when you say "salut" that you aren't pronouncing the "T". Here's a pointer in French, generally you don't pronounce the last consonant of each word. This is just a trick though, it is definitely now the law.

After saying hello, or good morning you're going to want to ask them how they're doing. To go along with the formal "bonjour" I might say "How are you doing today?" This is translated to "Comment t'allez-vous?" meaning "How are you going?. There are two other basic ways to say that in a less formal matter. For example I could say "Comment ça va" The little tail on the "C"is called a cedilla, the makes the "C" sounds like an "S". "Comment ça va" literally means "how's it going"?  And finally, the most simple way to ask this question is simply "ça va"? This means "it's going"?. Generally you'd answer bacl with "Oui, ça va", or "yes, it's going".

Now you can start any simple conversation with a French speaking person. In French It's very important to understand the hierarchy of formal vs. non-formal speech. For example, you might say "sault" (informal) to your good friend or your younger sibling, but you wouldn't say this to your parents or teacher. If you are unsure about the age or their power over you, I would stick with the formal "Bonjour". Formal and informal speech is very common in French, so make sure you remember who receives what form, or they may get offended easily.

Thank you so much for letting me share a little bit of French with you. Just to warn you, I'm only a student so I wouldn't trust every single thing I saw. If you are interested in French find someone who's fluent or go ahead and take a class. Hopefully my blog will inspire you to want to learn French. And maybe you'll see why I love it so much. And the last part of today (as you've seen before) is to say "thank you". It is "merci". Please leave comments if you have any questions or opinions (good or bad). I'd love to hear from you guys.

Thank you!/ Merci!    

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

La Musique Français

My whole life I have loved music. I've been in band since fifth grade and choir since I can remember. While studying French the best way for me to put what I learned into context was through music. French music is something that I love to listen to it. From the classic Edith Piaf to the up and coming Stromae and Black M. The beats are so catchy and the words are so lyrical and beautiful. The beauty of French comes out so easily in their music. I don't always know one word the artist are saying, but I have great emotional connections to the music. Below you will be introduced to some famous musicians of today, as well as the old classics.

Stromae was one of the first French pop artists that I got familiarized with. My sister bought me his new album for Christmas last year. I listened to it constantly all year, by far my favorite gift. Stromae is from Belgium and his music is very percussive and tech-no. The video above is his music video for "formidable". This song is singing "Wonder, wonderful, you were wonderful, I was terrible, we were wonderful". Hes apologizing to his girlfriend or lover for all his mistakes. He is truly sorry, and knows he messed up. Stromae's music is almost a movement for the youth of France. He is beginning to be famous in America as well.

Black M is a very famous rapper/hip-hop artist in France. A foreign exchange student named Cindy (from France) showed him to me. His style is more fast moving words that are hard to understand, but it sounds fantastic. I only hope to be able to understand him some day, and sing along. His music is different from Stromae but they're in the same music genre and industry.

And saving the best for last, the great Edith Piaf. She is known around the world for her "classic French" sound. She is recognized as the "Judy Garland of France". Her music shows off how whimsical and optimistic French is. There is hope and hardship in her music. The emotion she shares to her audience can never be out done  by Black M or Stromae. Her music is the accompaniment to your dreams of walking through Paris late at night. The melody takes you somewhere wonderful and peaceful. Edith Piaf's music will never be forgotten, and the world will continue to listen.    

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Je Mange (I Eat)

Hello!/ Bonjour!

Everyone loves to eat. And the best part, it's vital to survive. One of the best parts of France is their cuisine. The food is so different from what we know about food. The whole eating lifestyle of the French is way different from our own. While we are stuck eating lunch in a half an hour, they get a full hour. We get an "okay" meal, and the French get a professional seven course dinner. Another interesting fact is that their FDA is much more strict then ours. For example, our Chicken McNuggets at McDonald's are much more unhealthy then France's equivalent. For this post I will be sharing a picture of a classic French food or dish, and then explain a little bit about them.

Le Croissant is a very famous and basic pastry. You may have a misconception of these buttery delectables because of the "Americanized" Crescent Roll. A real French croissant takes days to make. I actually attempted to make a batch myself. They are extremely difficult to make. But if you're able to perfect them, or find a authentic bakery you'll be in for a real treat. Once you bite into these little rolls the flakinesses is automatically apparent. This flakiness is cause by the many layers of fat (butter, margarine) in the dough. One tip in making these guys is to keep the dough as cool as you can. It's vital for the butter to stay hard and formed together, thats how the flakiness happens during the baking process. Croissants pair perfectly with a latté or a cup of coffee.  

L'escargot is a very tradition French cuisine. Generally in France, l'escargot is an appetizer in French. L'escargot is made out of land snails. A lot of misconceptions about the French are created by dishes like this. It's easy to stereotype the French saying that they eat crazy food. Funny enough, Lyon, Fr. is the cuisine capitol of the world. It's important to look past what it is and see the beauty and art of the food. 

La Crème Brûlée is the most recognized "French dessert". In the movie Amélie crème brûlée is referenced. Amélie doesn't have many pleasures in life but her most favorite thing in the world is using a spoon, and cracking the hard shell on La crème bûlée. This crust that Amélie talks about is the carmel hard shell. This contrasts perfectly with the creamy custard filling. These complementary textures make a much beloved dessert in France, and around the world.

These are some of the most iconic French foods I could come up with from the top of my head. Of course there are thousands of more dishes and cuisines that I haven't touched. I will continue to wet your taste buds with more food posts later on.

Bon appétit mes amis! Merci pour lisez. ( Enjoy your meal my friends! Thank you for reading)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Paris, Je t'aime

Hello, Bonjour!

Oh là là! Paris, where do I even begin? La vie de Paris est très belle. The history, the culture,  and just about everything is perfect. In this post I would like to discover different styles of writing. One major styles of writing is descriptions. In a description piece I wouldn't say "Paris, I love you". I would use many adjectives and explain why. I will now give you a sample of a description writing on everyones favorite tower, La Tour Eiffle.

The Eiffle Tower is known all around the world. At its beginning the structure was an embarrassment to the French, but now it's their icon. From the sheer height, to the detailed lattice metal pattern. It's simplicity gives it the edge in the competition. A simple pyramid structure made out of metal.

If you want to be a daredevil feel free to climb your way up to the top, giving you a birds eye view of the city of lights. There are elevators as well as a treacherous amount of stairs. Your hamstrings will be screaming at you, but your eyes will be mesmerized.

From the top of the tower you can almost see the break of the clouds you're so high up! In order to get that birds eye view of the city you should go to the first or second observation decks. This way the little dots will turn into little stick people, and those blobs will turn into magnificent monuments and buildings. The Eiffel Tower is a brilliantly executed structure. Nothing says Paris, even France, like it.

Well there you have it, my attempt at a description piece. Of course I have much work until I'm writing really good stories. This blog is a way for me to practice these different writing styles, and to see if anything comes of it.

How can I get better at writing? This will not happen alone. I think It would be such a blessing if you guys could comment on my posts. Tell me how I'm doing. What can I change, add, fix, to enhance my writing. Thanks you again for reading, as always.

Thank you!/ Merci!

Essay #1- Stereotypes

A stereotype is a thought or image. It is particularly on a group of people. I know that they can be false and true.

There are many French stereotypes. For example, the French eat very bizarre food. They wear stripes and scarves all the time. Also, the French only wear elegant clothing. Finally, the French are ruder then the Americans.

There are a lot of American stereotypes. For example, we are very lazy. Also, we are all fat. We don't care about our appearance. Americans are very touristy. Finally, they are very disrespectful.

Stereotypes comes from film and tourism. The stereotypes are what the tourists think the French are. They are not who the French are truly. For example France is way different then Paris.

There are a lot of advantages of stereotypes. First, they help you understand the history and context of a group of people. It is a easy way to classify people, for example, the French and Americans.

There are lot of disadvantages of stereotypes. For example, if you know what this idea is about, you can judge them. It is not right to judge people only on stereotypes. It is important to understand people before you judge them.

It is important for you to understand how stereotypes can influence tourists while you travel for many reasons. For example, you can have a bad experience in France because they're mean.  The French and the Americans butt-heads with each other while they travel.

Radaction #1- Les Stéréotypes

Un stérérotype est un penser ou image. C'est particulièremt au groupe des personnes. Je sais ils peuvent être faux et vrai.

Il y a beaucoup des stéréotypes en les Français. Par example, les Français mangent très bizarre nourriture. Ils mettent des rayures et des foulards toujours. Alors, les Français mettent seulement les vêtements de élégant. Finalement, les Français sont grossier au les Américains.

Il y a beacoup des stéréotypes en les Américains. Par example, nous sommes très paresseux. Alors, nous somes tous gros. Nous ne nous soignons pas. Les Américains sont très touristique. Finalement, Ils sont très irrespectueux.

Les stéréotypes viennent de films des Américains et les touristes. Les stéréotypes sont que les touristes croient les Français être. Ils ne sont pas quoi les Français sont vraiment. Par example, le France est très différent puis à Paris.

Il y a beacoup des advantages de les stéréotypes. Première, ils t'aident comprender l'histoire et le contexte de un groupe des personnes. Il est une facile façon à classer des personnes, par example, les Français ou les Américains.

Il y a beacoup des désavantages des stérérotypes. Par example, si vous savez cette idé est au sujet vous vous purriez que les juger. Il n'est pas juste juger des personnes seulement des stéréotypes. C'est important comprendre les personnes avant de vous les jugez.

C'est important pour on comprend les stéréotypes peuvent influence des touristes pendant que vous voyagez pour beacoup des raisons. Par example, vous pouvez avoir un mal experiance à France parce qu'ils sont méchant. Les Français et les Américains enfoncent les têtes avec l'un l'autre pendant ils voyagent.

Je m'en vole

Bonjour!/ Hello!

Je m'en vole is a French phrase that means "I fly". I choose this as my URL for this blog for many reasons. I think it's self motivation. I fly can be interpreted many different ways. For example, I could actually be flying in the sky, or I could be mentally free of thought.

What does "I fly" mean to me? In my life I have never been the ordinary kid. I don't believe in boring. I'm the last person to follow the bandwagon everyone has created. I go against the flow. This isn't to be different on purpose, It's solely to be me. I have yet to figure out exactly who I am, but I don't feel like anyone truly does. This blog is a way for me to write about my life, dreams, and really just about anything. I'm using my blog as a way to "fly away" from the boring life, and discover who I am. What do I want to do with my life, how can I change the world for the better? What skills and talents do I have to give?

I hope this helps you get a feel for my inter-linguistic blog "Je m'en vole". I hope it tingles your mind and heart at the same time. My biggest goal would be for you to get thinking about your own life. That my words can help inspire you. Once you have happiness in yourself, you have the world to take. Love yourself first and you will find love. And once you find it, never let it go, and never look back. 

Thank you!/ Merci!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

French 4

Bonjour!/ Hello!

Ever since I stepped foot into mademoiselles classroom first semester junior year I never looked back.

Let's do a back-flash for a second. Ever since getting out of 8th grade at St. Mary's I wanted to take French. Something about the language was so complex and beautiful. I signed up for French 1 for freshman year and was denied. I was saddened because I was looking forward to it forever. Because this was my first year, I wasn't too upset about it, after all I always have next year. We all signed up for sophomore classes at the end of freshman year. "Yes! I finally get to take French". To much surprise I got rejected for the second time in a row. At this point I was starting to give up, should I even try a third time?

I was overjoyed when we got to pick up our junior year classes. I got French , as well as French 2. Finally I get to learn something that I'm very interested in. The kicker, French 1 is me (a junior) and the rest of the class (young, and rather frustrating freshman). Thankfully I was able to look past the rather awkward and uncomfortable situation because of my drive to learn a foreign language.

To tell you the truth I don't even know why I like learning French. Not one thing stands out screaming "this one reason is why I want to speak French for the rest of my life". Honestly, I think it was a combination of many things, but they all started with mademoiselles Herr. I can't decide if it's the "way she teaches" or just the passion she has for French. I see it in everything she does, I just hope to find something that meaningful to me. She made me appreciate this language and be incredibly excited to learn it.

If I have to pin point one reason why French is so interesting to me, and why it's so important I'd say this: French is by far the hardest, most complex puzzle I've ever attacked head on. So many new words, a totally new way to spell and pronounce, and not to mention 14 verb tenses waiting to be mastered. With French I can constantly learn something new, there is absolutely no way to be bored. I often tell my friends "I hate to love it". I say this because often French drives me crazy and frustrates me beyond belief, but I work through it because I love it.

So what now? 2nd semester of senior year has started, I can't believe it at all. New semester means new classes, and of course AP French 4. On top of learning the chapters and taking quizzes and tests on them mademoiselles expects more out of us. On top of all the pressure of learning we have to write a weekly essay on specific tops (generally regarding the chapter). I thought, what's better then to share my weekly essays with you on my blog? Be warned these are my first writings in French, so please be a soft critique.

Along with sharing my weekly essays (Redactions in French) with you I will also post a separate post afterwards explaining and giving a translation. This way you non-French speakers will understand my gibberish.  As always, thank you for spending a few minutes listening to me ramble on about my crazy life.

Merci/Thank you.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Hello everybody. My name is Tim Starman. I'm part of a class at my high school called "Options". This is a class you take in order to get credits from your own interests. In my opinion Options is a great way to express who you are and explore your interests. As much as I'd love sitting in a hot classroom listening to a lecture, I'd rather be journaling like I'm doing now. Options is a great way to get high school credits, while studying and learning about your own interests. This class has helped me narrow down my options for possible career paths.

My Options journey started at the beginning of my senior year in high school. I didn't know what to expect because my friends of mine had mixed reviews. At the beginning of Options everybody spends a few months creating your personal portfolio. This is a long and drooling process but it is definitely worth it. The portfolio is composed of an intro, resume, tests, activities page, and a letter of recommendation. With more things added this becomes your portfolio. After your hard copy is completed you have will transfer all the information on to an online portfolio (kind of like a blog). The portfolio is an amazing way to "show off" who you are. This came in handy for me because I'm a senior, and applying to colleges. I just added my online portfolio link to my college essays. If you are not a senior it's a great way to get jobs, and it's important and useful for the future. There are many reasons why the portfolio is a great asset to have.

After my portfolio project I got involved with a workshop called "mentorship". Mentorship is basically getting out of class to follow or shadow a professional. Generally this is for a senior who has a career idea in mind. My favorite aspect of mentorship is that you are able to get a taste of what this career is really like. Instead of spending years of time, and thousands of dollars on a career you don't like, you can do mentorship and sort of "test run" the profession. I decided to do a  mentorship at Mayo Clinic Health Systems for nursing. At the time I was very interested in nursing and health care. Thankfully after this experience, I know its not for me. I shadowed nurses, talked to doctors and got a feel of the industry. I learned so much through this experience.

My next project in Options is to write this blog. I want to explore the world of journalism and how to incorpurate my love for French, the language of love, to it.  Throughout this blog I want to share writing samples from my French class, as well as my exploration of writing in general. Of course I will always share fun things I find and my life with all of you. I'm using this blog not only for an educational purpose, but also for a place that I can escape and run away too. I want to express my emotions and let everything go. This blog will be my mental punching bag.

Thank you so much for even spending a fraction of your life reading my blog. I think I'm humorous and have a laid back way with my words, and I want to share that with the world. I hope you enjoy all these black spots, even if you don't know one word of French! So sip your latté, cover yourself up with a cozy blanket, munch on a baguette, and enjoy my words of self exploration.