Monday, January 26, 2015

Je m'en vole

Bonjour!/ Hello!

Je m'en vole is a French phrase that means "I fly". I choose this as my URL for this blog for many reasons. I think it's self motivation. I fly can be interpreted many different ways. For example, I could actually be flying in the sky, or I could be mentally free of thought.

What does "I fly" mean to me? In my life I have never been the ordinary kid. I don't believe in boring. I'm the last person to follow the bandwagon everyone has created. I go against the flow. This isn't to be different on purpose, It's solely to be me. I have yet to figure out exactly who I am, but I don't feel like anyone truly does. This blog is a way for me to write about my life, dreams, and really just about anything. I'm using my blog as a way to "fly away" from the boring life, and discover who I am. What do I want to do with my life, how can I change the world for the better? What skills and talents do I have to give?

I hope this helps you get a feel for my inter-linguistic blog "Je m'en vole". I hope it tingles your mind and heart at the same time. My biggest goal would be for you to get thinking about your own life. That my words can help inspire you. Once you have happiness in yourself, you have the world to take. Love yourself first and you will find love. And once you find it, never let it go, and never look back. 

Thank you!/ Merci!


  1. Yasss Tim I love it!! Now if only I could speak french haha

  2. Thank you! It's so much fun to work on it. Ill tutor you! :)
