Monday, January 26, 2015

Paris, Je t'aime

Hello, Bonjour!

Oh là là! Paris, where do I even begin? La vie de Paris est très belle. The history, the culture,  and just about everything is perfect. In this post I would like to discover different styles of writing. One major styles of writing is descriptions. In a description piece I wouldn't say "Paris, I love you". I would use many adjectives and explain why. I will now give you a sample of a description writing on everyones favorite tower, La Tour Eiffle.

The Eiffle Tower is known all around the world. At its beginning the structure was an embarrassment to the French, but now it's their icon. From the sheer height, to the detailed lattice metal pattern. It's simplicity gives it the edge in the competition. A simple pyramid structure made out of metal.

If you want to be a daredevil feel free to climb your way up to the top, giving you a birds eye view of the city of lights. There are elevators as well as a treacherous amount of stairs. Your hamstrings will be screaming at you, but your eyes will be mesmerized.

From the top of the tower you can almost see the break of the clouds you're so high up! In order to get that birds eye view of the city you should go to the first or second observation decks. This way the little dots will turn into little stick people, and those blobs will turn into magnificent monuments and buildings. The Eiffel Tower is a brilliantly executed structure. Nothing says Paris, even France, like it.

Well there you have it, my attempt at a description piece. Of course I have much work until I'm writing really good stories. This blog is a way for me to practice these different writing styles, and to see if anything comes of it.

How can I get better at writing? This will not happen alone. I think It would be such a blessing if you guys could comment on my posts. Tell me how I'm doing. What can I change, add, fix, to enhance my writing. Thanks you again for reading, as always.

Thank you!/ Merci!

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