Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Je Mange (I Eat)

Hello!/ Bonjour!

Everyone loves to eat. And the best part, it's vital to survive. One of the best parts of France is their cuisine. The food is so different from what we know about food. The whole eating lifestyle of the French is way different from our own. While we are stuck eating lunch in a half an hour, they get a full hour. We get an "okay" meal, and the French get a professional seven course dinner. Another interesting fact is that their FDA is much more strict then ours. For example, our Chicken McNuggets at McDonald's are much more unhealthy then France's equivalent. For this post I will be sharing a picture of a classic French food or dish, and then explain a little bit about them.

Le Croissant is a very famous and basic pastry. You may have a misconception of these buttery delectables because of the "Americanized" Crescent Roll. A real French croissant takes days to make. I actually attempted to make a batch myself. They are extremely difficult to make. But if you're able to perfect them, or find a authentic bakery you'll be in for a real treat. Once you bite into these little rolls the flakinesses is automatically apparent. This flakiness is cause by the many layers of fat (butter, margarine) in the dough. One tip in making these guys is to keep the dough as cool as you can. It's vital for the butter to stay hard and formed together, thats how the flakiness happens during the baking process. Croissants pair perfectly with a latté or a cup of coffee.  

L'escargot is a very tradition French cuisine. Generally in France, l'escargot is an appetizer in French. L'escargot is made out of land snails. A lot of misconceptions about the French are created by dishes like this. It's easy to stereotype the French saying that they eat crazy food. Funny enough, Lyon, Fr. is the cuisine capitol of the world. It's important to look past what it is and see the beauty and art of the food. 

La Crème Brûlée is the most recognized "French dessert". In the movie Amélie crème brûlée is referenced. Amélie doesn't have many pleasures in life but her most favorite thing in the world is using a spoon, and cracking the hard shell on La crème bûlée. This crust that Amélie talks about is the carmel hard shell. This contrasts perfectly with the creamy custard filling. These complementary textures make a much beloved dessert in France, and around the world.

These are some of the most iconic French foods I could come up with from the top of my head. Of course there are thousands of more dishes and cuisines that I haven't touched. I will continue to wet your taste buds with more food posts later on.

Bon appétit mes amis! Merci pour lisez. ( Enjoy your meal my friends! Thank you for reading)

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