Sunday, January 25, 2015

French 4

Bonjour!/ Hello!

Ever since I stepped foot into mademoiselles classroom first semester junior year I never looked back.

Let's do a back-flash for a second. Ever since getting out of 8th grade at St. Mary's I wanted to take French. Something about the language was so complex and beautiful. I signed up for French 1 for freshman year and was denied. I was saddened because I was looking forward to it forever. Because this was my first year, I wasn't too upset about it, after all I always have next year. We all signed up for sophomore classes at the end of freshman year. "Yes! I finally get to take French". To much surprise I got rejected for the second time in a row. At this point I was starting to give up, should I even try a third time?

I was overjoyed when we got to pick up our junior year classes. I got French , as well as French 2. Finally I get to learn something that I'm very interested in. The kicker, French 1 is me (a junior) and the rest of the class (young, and rather frustrating freshman). Thankfully I was able to look past the rather awkward and uncomfortable situation because of my drive to learn a foreign language.

To tell you the truth I don't even know why I like learning French. Not one thing stands out screaming "this one reason is why I want to speak French for the rest of my life". Honestly, I think it was a combination of many things, but they all started with mademoiselles Herr. I can't decide if it's the "way she teaches" or just the passion she has for French. I see it in everything she does, I just hope to find something that meaningful to me. She made me appreciate this language and be incredibly excited to learn it.

If I have to pin point one reason why French is so interesting to me, and why it's so important I'd say this: French is by far the hardest, most complex puzzle I've ever attacked head on. So many new words, a totally new way to spell and pronounce, and not to mention 14 verb tenses waiting to be mastered. With French I can constantly learn something new, there is absolutely no way to be bored. I often tell my friends "I hate to love it". I say this because often French drives me crazy and frustrates me beyond belief, but I work through it because I love it.

So what now? 2nd semester of senior year has started, I can't believe it at all. New semester means new classes, and of course AP French 4. On top of learning the chapters and taking quizzes and tests on them mademoiselles expects more out of us. On top of all the pressure of learning we have to write a weekly essay on specific tops (generally regarding the chapter). I thought, what's better then to share my weekly essays with you on my blog? Be warned these are my first writings in French, so please be a soft critique.

Along with sharing my weekly essays (Redactions in French) with you I will also post a separate post afterwards explaining and giving a translation. This way you non-French speakers will understand my gibberish.  As always, thank you for spending a few minutes listening to me ramble on about my crazy life.

Merci/Thank you.

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