Friday, February 27, 2015

The future tense

Bonjour! / Hello!

The future tense in French is just like in English. You will do something. I "will" go to the movies tonight. I "will" go to school tomorrow. I "will" buy a car today. If you haven't already figured this out "will" is your key word in English. This is what you translate the French into. This is a very important tense, and allows you to say a lot more.

The formula for using future tense is simply your subject pronoun, infinitive of the verb, and the avoir ending. Here is a recap of the avoir endings.

Je:  -ai                          Nous: -avons

Tu: -as                         Vous: -avez

Il/Elle/On: -a               Ils/Elles: -ont

So now we know how to form the future tense, now let's try to use it in context. Let's say "I will eat". So let's think about the formula. The subject pronoun is "I", in French this is "Je". Remember that you don't actually directly have say "will" in French, this is just the definition in English. So after you have the subect "je" you need to figure out what verb to use, in this case "to eat", or "manger".  Do you remember what you do with this verb? It's very simple, take the infinitive "manger" and add the avoir ending that corresponds with the subject. As you know or see about the avoir ending for je is -ai. So manger + -ai becomes mangerai. So all together it becomes "Je mangerai", or "I will eat".

Merci/ Thank you!

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