Monday, February 23, 2015

Lesson de français #5 ER, RE, and IR Verbs

Bonjour!/ Hello!

French verbs are such an important part in learning a language. If you know the formula and ending of verbs it's simple to form them. ER, RE, and IR verbs all have specific endings that don't change, except for irregular verbs. Once you know the endings of all three verbs you can say thousands of verbs, and start to write in French. 

These are the endings for ER verbs:

Je:  e                          Nous: ons

Tu:  es                        Vous: ez

Il/Elle/On:  e              Ils/Elles: ent

These are the endings for RE verbs: 

Je:  s                          Nous: ons         

Tu: s                          Vous: ez

Il/Elle/On: nothing       Ils/Elles: ent

These are the endings for the IR verbs:

Je:     is                      Nous: issons

Tu:    is                      Vous: issez

Il/Elle/On:  it               Ils/Elles: issent

Now after you memorize the endings that correspond with each kind of verb it's easy to form the verb. All you have to do is drop the ER, RE, or IR from the end of the infinitive (dictionary form), and add the appropriate endings.

Example of an ER verb:

Parler: To speak

Je: Parle                       Nous: Parlons

Tu: Parles                     Vous: Parlez

Il/Elle/On: Parle             Ils/Elles: Parlent

Example of an RE verb:

Descendre: To go down

Je: Descends                  Nous: Descendons

Tu: Descends                  Vous: Descendez

Il/Elle/On: Descend         Ils/Elles:  Descendent

Example of an IR verb:

Choisir: To choose

Je: Choisis                       Nous: Choisissons

Tu: Choisis                      Vous: Choisissez

Il/Elle/On: Choisit             Ils/Elles: Choisissent

I've given you an example verb for each of the "regular" French verbs. There are irregular versb as well, and they have special endings (like avoir and être). But if you know these three regula verbs you already know about 75% of the French verbs, congrats!

Merci!/ Thank you!

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