Thursday, February 19, 2015

Leçon de Français #3 Être et Avoir

Bonjour!/ Hello!

One of the most important parts of learning a foreign language are the verbs. Once you know the pronouns verbs are the next step. You can't say very much if you don't know verbs. The two most crucial and most used verbs in French are "Être" and "Avoir"

Avoir in English is to have, and être in English is to be. These verbs are not only important because they are frequently used, but because they are also auxiliary. An auxiliary verb is used to form the passé composé (J'ai mangé). In J'ai mangé, the "ai" is avoir. In Enlgish we would say "I have eaten, I did eat, or I ate". You would use être in the same fashion, but it is not as commonly used.

The conjugations for the verb avoir:

Je:  J'ai                 Nous:  avons

Tu:  as                 Vous:  avez

Il/Elle/on: a         Ils/Elles:  ont

The conjugations for the verb être:

Je:  suis                Nous:  sommes

Tu:  es                  Vous:  êtes

Il/Elle/On:  est      Ils/Elles:  sont

It's important to notice that these verbs are irregular. In French there are many common or regular verbs that all have the same endings (this will be another lesson). I wanted to teach you these two verbs first, because they are vital to learn the language of love.  

I will create a video soon reintroducing these verbs to you guys. There, you will be able to hear and repeat the verbs along with the pronouns.

Thank you for watching, and make sure to comment if you have any concerns or questions.

Merci!/ Thank you!

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