Thursday, February 26, 2015

l'imparfait et le passé composé

L'imparfait and le passé composé are two common past tenses in French. To say something that is completely over and done with, you would use the passé composé. So say an on going activity in the past you would use the imparfait. L'impfarfait is also used for description and repeated actions.  It's important to decide which tense to use, and sometimes this can be confusing. You can easily tell which tense to use, if you learn key phrases that start sentence (every morning, frequently, this Monday). For exapmple "Chaque matin" or "each morning" would be l'imparfait because it happened every morning, more then one. Keep working on the differences and soon it'll be easy. Don't worry, I'm still even working on it.

Here is how you form the passeé composé. First, the subject pronoun second, the conjugation of avoir or être thrid, the past participle of your verb. "j'ai mangé"

Here is how you form l'imparfait. It's just the subject pronoun along with your imperfect ending. Remeber to take the nous form of the verb, then take off the -ons and add the correct ending.

Je:  ais                    Nous: ions

Tu: ais                    Vous: iez

Il/Elle/On:   ait       Ils/Elles: aient

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