Friday, March 6, 2015

Joining a Blogging Challenge

Today I was having a lot of trouble coming up with new posts to blog about.  A friend of mine told me about blogging challenges. So googled blogging challenges and some really fun ones came up. If you can see on the right of my blog you can see the blogging A-Z challenge.  This blog challenge starts April 1, and I have to post everyday, except Sunday. This will be a great way to get more views on my blog, and to get new ideas for my blog.

The focus of this blog is to post everyday. The special thing about the A-Z blog is that each blog has to use the letter in chronological order. Because my blog is about French I will be doing French topics with each letter. So for example, my first post could be "Airports in France", day two could be, "Bathrooms in France". This same theme goes on until you reach Z.

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