Friday, March 13, 2015

Le Petit Prince

Today in French class we had to re write an ending to a well known story. My friend Jessica and I decided to do "Le Petit Prince". It is a very well known French short story. It's about a little prince who travels to different planets and meets many people. A long the way he teaches important philosophical morals and lessons to them. We had to finish the ending and change it. This is what we came up with.....

Le lendemain le petit prince est retourné au Sahara. En arrivant dans le Sahara il a trouvé la rose. Le petit prince a demandé  « Pourquoi est-ce que tu ici?»  «Je suis ici parce que B-612 est top froid pour moi, et je l'aime ici.» dit la rose. « Pour combien de temps est-ce que tu serais ici» le petit prince a demandé. « J'avais habiter pour 5 ans.» dit la rose. Ils parlaient pendant toute le soir.

La rose était jaloux de le renard, parce qu'il était devenir des amis avec le petit prince. Le lendemain le petit prince a tué la rose parce qu'il était enseigner à elle un leçon. La morale de cette histoire est qui ne devenez pas jaloux, sinon g are, vous serez tués!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Careers in Writing

As you all know, I am doing this blog as part of an inquiry that I'm doing in school. One of my big topics of this project is researching different careers in the field of writing. There are three main categories in writing and they are Creative Writing, Business Writing, or Online Writing. All three are fairly specific in what you do. 

Creative writing is what we all dream of becoming. We all grow up wanting to become the new J.K Rowling. Sadly this doesn't happen to the average Joe.  Creative writing can be anything from poetry, fiction writing, plays, screenplays, TV scripts, comedy writing, and etc. This is by far my favorite career path for writing because it always anyone to use there gifts, and write whatever they choose to. It can be about serious things, or wizards and made up worlds. You are fee to be yourself. It's a very stressful field, but if you're luck enough you might just make it. Good luck!

Business Writing is the next main category of writing. This is probably the most realistic and most used types of writing. These writers are journalists, advertisers and promotional people, technical writers, speechwriters, as well as textbook writers (they have to exist, I know). These jobs are very useful and a lot more available to the average writer. The only drawback on Business Writing is that it isn't nearly as fun to write speeches and textbooks, as it is to write your own fiction fairy tale. 

The last main area in the field of writing is Online Writing. This is by far the newest area of writing. This field will soon take over because of the accessibility and ease of computing in the future. Everybody uses the Internet, whether it’s on their mobile devices or at home on the desk top. You read all sorts of things online that you don't even realize it. Someone has to do this and that's what these people are. Online writers often keep up companies websites, and create they e-mails business wide. 

That was a background of all the possibilities a writing major can have. It's a tough major to get successful, but if it's your passion then go for it, what do you have to lose. It would be amazing if we could all be New York Times Best Sellers, but we also need online journalist and bloggers, as well as textbook authors. The options are limitless. 

Mes Vacances

For my next "redactions" in French 4, we had to write a paper describing and explaining a favorite vacation. This could be a real vacation or a made up one. I made one up, because I went to Hogwarts in my story. This paper is a narrative, because I am explaining a story. It is a little bit of discription
work as well. And finally, it is all written in French of course! Enjoy.

Tim Starman
French 4
Il y a deux semaines je suis parti en vacances à Hogwarts. Je suis parti en vacances avec mes soeurs. Nous aimons Harry Potter. Il faisait toujours froid et pluvieux, mais formidable.  Hogwarts est un lycée pour les élèves de la magique. Il y a 7 ans des etudes à Hogwarts.  
Le matin nous mangions a la grande salle. Il y a beaucoup les nourriture.  Chaque midi je regardais un match de Quidditch. Quidditch était sympa regarer.  Ensuite  j’ai marché à chez Hagrid. Une fois nous sommes partis à Hogsmeade. D’abord nous avons acheté des Butterbeers. Ils étaient délicieux, et souvent, je buvais plus. Après, nous sommes partis à Diagon Alley. J’ai acheté une baguette magique pour moi. J’ai préféré le Diagon Alley plus que Hogsmeade.
Une nuit nous avons marché dans la forêt de defend. Elle est terrifian, mais palpitant. Fréqeumment je sautais parce que les bruits. Un jour j’ai visté chez Gryffindor, parce qu’il est mon préféré maison à Hogwarts. La toute salle était couvert dans le rouge et l’or.   Le château de Hogwarts est très beau et mystérieux, je l’aime.  Avant-hier nous sommes rentrés notre maison.
Ces vacances étaient très sympa.  J’ai amusé les experience. J’ai eu beaucoup les aventures avec mes soeurs. Je souhaite je n’étais pas un muggle, parce que je veux faire la magique. J’ai aimé mes vacances, et je rentrerai bientôt!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Joining a Blogging Challenge

Today I was having a lot of trouble coming up with new posts to blog about.  A friend of mine told me about blogging challenges. So googled blogging challenges and some really fun ones came up. If you can see on the right of my blog you can see the blogging A-Z challenge.  This blog challenge starts April 1, and I have to post everyday, except Sunday. This will be a great way to get more views on my blog, and to get new ideas for my blog.

The focus of this blog is to post everyday. The special thing about the A-Z blog is that each blog has to use the letter in chronological order. Because my blog is about French I will be doing French topics with each letter. So for example, my first post could be "Airports in France", day two could be, "Bathrooms in France". This same theme goes on until you reach Z.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Reviewing French Tenses

Hello!/ Bonjour!

In post we will take a very simple English sentence, translate that into French, as well as putting it in all the tenses that we've learned so far. I think that it is very important to see all of the tense together in order to easily differentiate them. But the most important part of verb tenses is knowing when to use them. What situations do I match with what.
So these are a list of the verb tenses that I have learned so far, and reviewed on this blog:

1. Present tense
2. Immediate Past tense
3. Passé Composé
4. The Imperfect tense (L'imparfait)
5. Recent Future (Futur Proche)
6. Future tense
7. Conditional tense

Sentence: You (talking to a friend) play soccer. In French: Tu joues au foot. Now I will re type up 1-7 and put this sentence in all 7 tenses.

1. Tu joues au foot.
2. Tu viens de jouer au foot.
3.  Tu as joué au foot.
4. Tu jouais au foot.
5. Tu vas jouer au foot.
6. Tu joueras au foot.
7. Tu jouerais au foot.

Now that we can write these 7 tenses, the most important part of all is understanding the purpose of the different tenses. In my opinion the best way to go about this is to directly translate all 7 sentences back into English, this way we can understand the purpose.

1. You play soccer. (This is pretty basic, it's not in the future or the past, it's currently happening).
2. You came from playing soccer/ You just played soccer. (This is past, but shortly after it happened.)
3. You have played soccer/ You did play soccer/ You played soccer. (Past tense, completely happened. This is generally not right right after the event, but later that day, week, etc.)
4. You were playing soccer. ( This a repeated action in the past. Also descriptions, and emotional thoughts, such as "vouloire".)
5. You are going to play soccer. (This is a future event that is shortly going to happen.)
6. You will play soccer. (This is something that is going to happen, could be a year, 10 years, but WILL happen.)
7. You would play soccer. (Conditional is generally paired with an "if" clause. "You would play soccer, if you could". Just remember that conditional is always "would".)

Hopefully this post helped you review your French verb tenses. As I've said before these are extremely important to understand and know if you want to survive Paris.  Please leave a comment if you have and questions, or if you're confused about anything.

Thanks!/ Merci!